Europäische Lethargie
Das Blog The Free West bietet eine sehr gelungen Erklärung für die europäische Lethargie in Bezug auf den aktuellen Terrorismus, mit dem brisanten Hintergrund der letzten Wochen. Der ganze Artikel ist lesenwert, aber vorallem diese Textstelle verdient einen Blick:
A large part of Western intelligentsia is in denial about the intentions of the Islamic-Fascists in Tehran, in their caves in Afghanistan, in Falluja, and elsewhere.
If these intellectuals would take the words of these Islamic-Fascists for what they are, they would be forced to prepare for the worst. But Europe cannot prepare for the worst. It will always try to redefine and rephrase the problems and conflicts and Islamic-Fascist declarations until it find a way to sneak into a delusion which could give it a couple of extra seconds of peace of mind.
A civilization which cannot recognize and define the threats which could erode its foundations, is doomed. A grand civilization is aware of its responsibilities. It knows when to draw lines, when to react, when to act, when to sacrifice.
Instead of European self-confidence, there is European hypocrisy. The curse of Eutopianism.
These naïve Americans and arrogant Jews are the only factor preventing Europe from kneeling for tyrannies.
Dem kann man nichts hinzufügen.
A large part of Western intelligentsia is in denial about the intentions of the Islamic-Fascists in Tehran, in their caves in Afghanistan, in Falluja, and elsewhere.
If these intellectuals would take the words of these Islamic-Fascists for what they are, they would be forced to prepare for the worst. But Europe cannot prepare for the worst. It will always try to redefine and rephrase the problems and conflicts and Islamic-Fascist declarations until it find a way to sneak into a delusion which could give it a couple of extra seconds of peace of mind.
A civilization which cannot recognize and define the threats which could erode its foundations, is doomed. A grand civilization is aware of its responsibilities. It knows when to draw lines, when to react, when to act, when to sacrifice.
Instead of European self-confidence, there is European hypocrisy. The curse of Eutopianism.
These naïve Americans and arrogant Jews are the only factor preventing Europe from kneeling for tyrannies.
Dem kann man nichts hinzufügen.
kahraman - 2005/10/27 13:27
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